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16 Years Quit. 1q2 What Unfurled Last Night? Feb 2017

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1q2 S Discussion started by 1q2 S 5 years ago
16 years quit: “What advice do you offer a brand-new quitter?”
The best thing about being a non smoker? Not Smoking!! The smoking part of my life, long as it was, is long gone! I will never smoke again and am so grateful that I have not for the past 16 years! I always wanted to not smoke but I kept on, kept on and kept on for many decades. There is NOTHING in me that wants to be a smoker and it has been that way for most of the 16 quit years! 
All of you have every reason to not smoke and no reasons to smoke. Smoking only serves to calm down withdrawal from your last cigarette and to hurt you physically and mentally.

Sometimes, oftentimes, it is difficult for someone in active addiction to rise up and above the addiction by themselves. That is why support groups like Quitnet are crucial for success. Here there is a community of well meaning individuals to help you through the quitting process.

My request is that you open your mind up to you as a non smoker and try to fight it as little as possible. (My most tormented smoking years were the ones leading up to STOPPING, I just about drove myself a bad crazy with all the back and forth, do not do this to yourself.) Accept that quitting is the best for you and listen carefully to what others are telling you. And then work hard and diligently and make it, let it happen. Complete the task and be done with it once and for all! As I like to say, let the Q guide and love you through the lows and highs of your quit.

Distance yourself from smoking, make it a closed chapter in your life like I and so many others have. We all start at the same place. We all are just as addicted as the next and all have to start with a day one. Embrace yourself and your quit!

Take a deep breath of fresh air, grateful in your heart that you are alive and able to take that breath.

Feel joy in your heart and look for and find joy in your life, even when things are not perfect, even when bad things are happening, which they will. Still find joy, love and peace where you can. Your quit will give you a lot of that.

Each of your accomplishments and triumphs gives me great joy and I am here with you through your challenges.

I am healthy, fit and able. Had I continued to smoke, I would not be.

Continue down this smoke free road with me, each of you.. thank you all for being here with me and celebrating with me! Keep your quits, find your happiness and contentment.
You will never regret your decision to not smoke!  
 May we all have peace and contentment in our lives--1q2@16Years beginning with a day one here at the Q
"What Unfurled Last Night" 2003  
This is a photo that I took early in my quit that reminds me of that time.

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