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Alberta Quits

This group is for quitters from Alberta both new and migrating from Alberta Quits allowing us to...

Repost: Rules of Quitting

A post to give you a smile today.....some truth mixed with smiles.
Have a good one!


Rules of quitting
From Dr.Avery on 5/9/2011 7:31:20 PM

Disclaimer: This post is just for fun, and not meant to be taken too seriously.

In order to successfully drop smoking like a bad habit once and for all, there are certain habits - rules to follow - that tend seem to be...
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2 weeks ago
6,634 Days Quit
2 weeks ago
13. Take up a hobby. Or three. You just got back an hour and a half a day. The same hour and a half you used to spend smoking. What if you could use that time to become the person you've always wanted to be? Guess what: You can. Learn a language, read a book, play the fiddle, learn to cook, take a class, practice two-man inverted trapeze chicken juggling. Stay busy, stay distracted, stay smoke-free.

14. Quitting is hard, and the addiction is merciless. Odds are, when you try to cut corners,...
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